Jun 28, 2023
Having worked in-house for more than 25 years, Peter Connor
feels strongly that if corporate counsel can adopt the right
framework for their daily operations, particularly in a volatile
market, they can unlock opportunities that otherwise may not be
available to them.
On this episode of The Corporate Counsel Show, host Jerome
Doraisamy speaks with former international in-house lawyer
AlternativelyLegal founder and chief executive Peter Connor about
what makes life as a corporate counsel so great, from his
perspective, the need for such lawyers to transition even further
into the business realm and develop corresponding acumen, and why
business concerns have to be at the forefront as opposed to legal
Mr Connor explains the nexus between business acumen and
professional agility, unpacks the T-shaped approach for corporate
counsel, how to understand and appreciate what the corporate vision
can and must be, practical steps to turn one’s self into more of a
businessperson, ensuring the current climate isn’t impeding one’s
ability to further develop, balancing the need to transition
against other urgent priorities for the law department, and why
unlocking new pathways and opportunities will be so rewarding for
those adopting the right approach.
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